
The AutoGPT flow is a circular flow that organizes the problem-solving process into four distinct subflows:

  1. ControllerFlow: Given an a goal and observations (from past executions), it selects from a predefined set of actions, which are explicitly defined in the ExecutorFlow, the next action it should execute to get closer accomplishing its goal. In our configuration, we implement the ControllerFlow using the ChatAtomicFlow

  2. ExecutorFlow: Following the action selection by the ControllerFlow, the process moves to the ExecutorFlow. This is a branching flow that encompasses a set of subflows, with each subflow dedicated to a specific action. The ExecutorFlow executes the particular subflow associated with the action chosen by the ControllerFlow. In our setup, the ExecutorFlow includes the following individual flows:

    • WikiSearchAtomicFlow: This flow, given a “search term,” executes a Wikipedia search and returns content related to the search term.

    • LCToolFlow using DuckDuckGoSearchRun: This flow, given a “query,” queries the DuckDuckGo search API and retrieves content related to the query.

  3. HumanFeedbackFlow: This flow prompts the user for feedback on the latest execution of the ExecutorFlow. The collected feedback is then conveyed back to the ControllerFlow to be considered in the subsequent execution step. Additionally, the flow is designed to have the capability to terminate the ReActWithHumanFeedbackFlow if the user expresses such a preference.

  4. MemoryFlow: This flow is used to read and write and read memories stored of passed conversations in a database. These memories can be passed to the ControllerFlow enabling it to have a long term memory without having to transmit the entire message history to the language model (LLM). It’s implemented with the VectorStoreFlow


The sequence of execution for AutoGPT’s flows is circular and follows this specific order:

  1. The MemoryFlow retrieves relevant information from memory

  2. The ControllerFlow selects the next action to execute and prepares the input for the ExecutorFlow

  3. The ExecutorFlow executes the action specified by the ControllerFlow

  4. The HumanFeedbackFlow asks the user for feedback

  5. The MemoryFlow writes relevant information to memory

Here’s a broad overview of the AutoGPTFlow:

| -------> Memory Flow -------> Controller Flow ------->|
^                                                       |      
|                                                       |
|                                                       v
| <----- HumanFeedback Flow <------- Executor Flow <----|


Memory Flow

We utilize the ChromaDBFlow from the VectorStoreFlowModule as the MemoryFlow. For a detailed understanding of its parameters, refer to its FlowCard for an extensive description of its parameters.

Like every flow, when ChromaDBFlow’s run is called function is called:

def run(self, input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """ This method runs the flow. It runs the ChromaDBFlow. It either writes or reads memories from the database.
        :param input_data: The input data of the flow.
        :type input_data: Dict[str, Any]
        :return: The output data of the flow.
        :rtype: Dict[str, Any]
        api_information = self.backend.get_key()

        if api_information.backend_used == "openai":
            embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=api_information.api_key)
            # ToDo: Add support for Azure
            embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
        response = {}

        operation = input_data["operation"]
        if operation not in ["write", "read"]:
            raise ValueError(f"Operation '{operation}' not supported")

        content = input_data["content"]
        if operation == "read":
            if not isinstance(content, str):
                raise ValueError(f"content(query) must be a string during read, got {type(content)}: {content}")
            if content == "":
                response["retrieved"] = [[""]]
                return response
            query = content
            query_result = self.collection.query(

            response["retrieved"] = [doc for doc in query_result["documents"]]

        elif operation == "write":
            if content != "":
                if not isinstance(content, list):
                    content = [content]
                documents = content
                    ids=[str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(len(documents))],
            response["retrieved"] = ""

        return response

One can notice that ChromaDBFlow acts as an encapsulation for chromadb’s vector store-backend memory, which offers support for two types of operations:

  • read: This operation involves retrieving the n_results most relevant documents from ChromaDB based on the provided content.

  • write: This operation is utilised to add the given content to VectorDB.

Additional Documentation:


We utilize the ControllerAtomicFlow from the ControllerExecutorFlowModule as the ControllerFlow. For a detailed understanding of its parameters, refer to its FlowCard for an extensive description of its parameters.

ControllerAtomicFlow’s run function looks like this:

def run(self, input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """ This method runs the flow. Note that the response of the LLM is in the JSON format, but it's not a hard constraint (it can hallucinate and return an invalid JSON)
        :param input_data: The input data of the flow.
        :type input_data: Dict[str, Any]
        :return: The output data of the flow (thought, reasoning, criticism, command, command_args)
        :rtype: Dict[str, Any]
        api_output = super().run(input_data)["api_output"].strip()
        response = json.loads(api_output)
        return response

The run function is a straightforward wrapper around ChatAtomicFlow. The Language Model (LLM) responds in JSON format, but this isn’t strictly enforced—it may occasionally return an invalid JSON. The soft constraint is set by the system prompt, detailed in its default configuration. This configuration specifies the expected output format and describes the available commands it has access to (these are the subflows of the ExecutorFlow). The system prompt template is as follows:

  _target_: aiflows.prompt_template.JinjaPrompt
  template: |2-
    You are a smart AI assistant. 
    Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance.
    Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.
    If you have completed all your tasks, make sure to use the "finish" command.

    1. No user assistance
    2. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name"

    Available commands:

    1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.
    2. Long Term memory management.

    Performance Evaluation:
    1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.
    2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.
    3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.
    4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.
    You should only respond in JSON format as described below
    Response Format:
    "thought": "thought",
    "reasoning": "reasoning",
    "plan": "- short bulleted\n- list that conveys\n- long-term plan",
    "criticism": "constructive self-criticism",
    "speak": "thoughts summary to say to user",
    "command": "command name",
    "command_args": {
        "arg name": "value"
    Ensure your responses can be parsed by Python json.loads
input_variables: ["commands"]

Where “{{commands}}” is the placeholder for the available commands which are added to the template when the ControllerAtomicFlow is being instantiated.

The goal and observations (from past executions) are passed via the human_message_prompt and the init_human_message_prompt who are the following:

    template: |2
    Potentially relevant information retrieved from your memory:
    Here is the response to your last action:
    Here is the feedback from the user:
    - "observation"
    - "human_feedback"
    - "memory"
    - "observation"
    - "human_feedback"
    - "memory"

Additional Documentation:


We utilize a BranchingFlow from aiFlow’s codebase as the ExecutorFlow. The ExecutorFlow by default has two subflows which are the available commands the ControllerFlow can call:

1. The LCToolFlow

The LCToolFlow is an atomic flow functioning as an interface for LangChain tools. This flow operates by taking a tool_input, which corresponds to the tool’s keyword arguments, as its input, and then provides the observation as its output.

 def run(self, input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """ This method runs the flow. It runs the backend on the input data.
    :param input_data: The input data of the flow.
    :type input_data: Dict[str, Any]
    :return: The output data of the flow.
    :rtype: Dict[str, Any]
    observation =

    return {"observation": observation}

Using a tool with the LCToolFlow is a straightforward process. By setting the desired tool as the backend’s _target_, you can seamlessly integrate it into your workflow. For a comprehensive list of compatible tools, please refer to the Integrations section in LangChain’s Tool documentation.

- _target_: flow_modules.aiflows.LCToolFlowModule.LCToolFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
    name: "ddg_search"

2. The WikiSearchAtomicFlow

The WikiSearchAtomicFlow is also atomic flow and functions as an interface for Wikipedia’s API. Given a search_term, it can execute a search on wikipedia and fetch page summaries to eventually pass it back to the ControllerFlow

def run(self,
            input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """ Runs the WikiSearch Atomic Flow. It's used to execute a Wikipedia search and get page summaries.
        :param input_data: The input data dictionary
        :type input_data: Dict[str, Any]
        :return: The output data dictionary
        :rtype: Dict[str, Any]

        # ~~~ Process input ~~~
        term = input_data.get("search_term", None)
        api_wrapper = WikipediaAPIWrapper(

        # ~~~ Call ~~~
        if page_content := api_wrapper._fetch_page(term):
            search_response = {"wiki_content": page_content, "relevant_pages": None}
            page_titles = api_wrapper.search_page_titles(term)
            search_response = {"wiki_content": None, "relevant_pages": f"Could not find [{term}]. similar: {page_titles}"}

        # Log the update to the flow messages list
        observation = search_response["wiki_content"] if search_response["wiki_content"] else search_response["relevant_pages"]
        return {"wiki_content": observation}

Additional Documentation:

Human Feedback Flow

We utilize the HumanStandadInputFlow from the HumanStandardInputFlowModule as the HumanFeedbackFlow. For a detailed understanding of its parameters, refer to its FlowCard for an extensive description of its parameters.

Its run function enables users to provide feedback at the conclusion of each iteration. This feedback is subsequently appended to the observation generated by the ExecutorFlow. By doing so, the feedback becomes part of the memory, thereby influencing the agent’s decision-making process.

def run(self,
            input_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """ Runs the HumanStandardInputFlow. It's used to read input from the user/human's standard input.
        :param input_data: The input data dictionary
        :type input_data: Dict[str, Any]
        :return: The output data dictionary
        :rtype: Dict[str, Any]

        query_message = self._get_message(self.query_message_prompt_template, input_data)
        state_update_message = UpdateMessage_Generic(
            data={"query_message": query_message},
        human_input = self._read_input()

        return {"human_input": human_input}

In the current context, if the user enters the command q, the flow triggers an early exit by setting the early exit key to True, which leads to the termination of the Flow.

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