ReAct Tutorial

Prequisites: setting up your API keys (see, Introducing the FlowVerse with a Simple Q&A Flow Tutorial, Atomic Flow Tutorial, Composite Flow Tutorial

This guide introduces an implementation of the ReAct flow. The guide is organized in two sections:

  1. Section 1: What’s The ReAct Flow ?

  2. Section 2: Running the ReAct Flow

By the Tutorial’s End, I Will Have…

  • Gained an understanding of the ReAct flow and its significance

  • Acquired the skills to pull multiple flows from the FlowVerse with external library dependencies

  • Successfully developed my first personalized ReAct flow

  • Familiarized myself with the essential parameters of the ControllerExecutorFlow

Section 1: What’s The ReAct Flow ?

The ReAct flow, as introduced in ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models, represents a Circular flow that organizes the problem-solving process into two distinct flows:

  1. ControllerFlow: With a specified goal and past observations from prior executions, the ControllerFlow makes decisions by choosing the next action from a predefined set. These actions are explicitly defined in the ExecutorFlow and contribute to progressing towards the defined goal. In our configuration, we implement the ControllerFlow using the ChatAtomicFlow.

  2. ExecutorFlow: Following the action selection by the ControllerFlow, the process moves to the ExecutorFlow. This is a branching flow that encompasses a set of subflows, with each subflow dedicated to a specific action. The ExecutorFlow executes the particular subflow associated with the action chosen by the ControllerFlow. In our setup, the ExecutorFlow includes the following individual flows:

    • WikiSearchAtomicFlow: This flow, given a “search term,” executes a Wikipedia search and returns content related to the search term.

    • LCToolFlow using DuckDuckGoSearchRun: This flow, given a “query,” queries the DuckDuckGo search API and retrieves content related to the query.

These steps are repeated until an answer is obtained.

Section 2: Running The ReAct Flow

In this section, we’ll guide you through running the ReAct Flow.

For the code snippets referenced from this point onward, you can find them here

Now, let’s delve into the details without further delay!

Similar to the Introducing the FlowVerse with a Simple Q&A Flow tutorial (refer to that tutorial for more insights), we’ll start by fetching some flows from the FlowVerse. Specifically, we’ll fetch the ControllerExecutorFlowModule, which includes the ControllerExecutorFlow (the composite flow of ControllerFlow and ExecutorFlow) and the WikiSearchAtomicFlow. Additionally, we’ll fetch the LCToolFlow, a flow capable of implementing the DuckDuckGo search flow.

from aiflows import flow_verse
# ~~~ Load Flow dependecies from FlowVerse ~~~
dependencies = [
    {"url": "aiflows/LCToolFlowModule", "revision": "main"},
    {"url": "aiflows/ControllerExecutorFlowModule", "revision": "main"},


Each flow on the FlowVerse includes a pip_requirements.txt file for external library dependencies. Check out the pip_requirements.txt for the LCToolFlowModule) and pip_requirements.txt for the ControllerExecutorFlowModule. You’ll notice the need to install the following external libraries:

pip install wikipedia==1.4.0
pip install langchain==0.0.336
pip install duckduckgo-search==3.9.6

Now that we’ve fetched the flows from the FlowVerse and installed their respective requirements, we can start creating our flow.

The configuration for our flow is available in ReAct.yaml. We will now break it down into chunks and explain its various parameters. Note that the flow is instantiated from its default configuration, so we are only defining the parameters we wish to override here. The ControllerExecutorFlow’s default config can be found here and the LCToolFlow default config can be found here. Now let’s look at the flow’s configuration:

  _target_: flow_modules.aiflows.ControllerExecutorFlowModule.ControllerExecutorFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
  max_rounds: 30
  • The _target_ parameter specifies the instantiation method for our flow. In this instance, we’re using it to instantiate the ControllerExecutorFlow from its default configuration file.

  • max_rounds: The maximum number of rounds the flow can run for.

Now let’s look at the flow’s subflows_config, which provides configuration details for ReAct’s subflows—ControllerFlow and the ExecutorFlow:

  ### Subflows specification
      _target_: flow_modules.aiflows.ControllerExecutorFlowModule.ControllerAtomicFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
          description: "Performs a search on Wikipedia."
          input_args: ["search_term"]
          description: "Query the search engine DuckDuckGo."
          input_args: ["query"]
          description: "Signal that the objective has been satisfied, and returns the answer to the user."
          input_args: ["answer"]
        _target_: aiflows.backends.llm_lite.LiteLLMBackend
        api_infos: ???
          openai: "gpt-3.5-turbo"
          azure: "azure/gpt-4"
  • Controller: The configuration of the controller flow:

    • commands: A dictionary containing the set of actions the ControllerFlow can call. Each key of the dictionary is the name of the action it can excute and it’s items are a another dictionary containing the following parameters:

      • description: A description of what the action does (it’s important to be clear since these descriptions are passed to the system prompt to explain to the LLM what each action can do)

      • input_args: The list of arguments required by a given action

    • backend: The backend used by the ControllerFlow (see the previous tutorial Introducing the FlowVerse with a Simple Q&A Flow for a more detailed description of the backend)

      _target_: aiflows.base_flows.BranchingFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
          _target_: flow_modules.aiflows.ControllerExecutorFlowModule.WikiSearchAtomicFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
          _target_: flow_modules.aiflows.LCToolFlowModule.LCToolFlow.instantiate_from_default_config
  • Executor: The configuration of the ExecutorFlow:

    • subflows_config: The configuration of the subflows of the ExecutorFlow. Each subflow corresponds to an action defined in the ControllerFlow through the commands parameter. It is noteworthy that the names of the command keys align with the names of the subflows in the Executor’s subflow_config

Now that our configuration file is set up, we can proceed to call our flow. Begin by configuring your API information. Below is an example using an OpenAI key, along with examples for other API providers (in comment):

 # ~~~ Set the API information ~~~
# OpenAI backend
api_information = [ApiInfo(backend_used="openai", api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))]
# Azure backend
# api_information = [ApiInfo(backend_used = "azure",
#                           api_base = os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
#                           api_key = os.getenv("AZURE_OPENAI_KEY"),
#                           api_version =  os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION") )]

Next, load the YAML configuration, insert your API information, and define the flow_with_interfaces dictionary:

path_to_output_file = None
# path_to_output_file = "output.jsonl"  # Uncomment this line to save the output to disk

root_dir = "."
cfg_path = os.path.join(root_dir, "ReAct.yaml")
cfg = read_yaml_file(cfg_path)
# put the API information in the config
cfg["flow"]["subflows_config"]["Controller"]["backend"]["api_infos"] = api_information

# ~~~ Instantiate the Flow ~~~
flow_with_interfaces = {
    "flow": hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg["flow"], _recursive_=False, _convert_="partial"),
    "input_interface": (
        if cfg.get("input_interface", None) is None
        else hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg["input_interface"], _recursive_=False)
    "output_interface": (
        if cfg.get("output_interface", None) is None
        else hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg["output_interface"], _recursive_=False)

Finally, run the flow with FlowLauncher.

 # ~~~ Get the data ~~~
# This can be a list of samples
# data = {"id": 0, "goal": "Answer the following question: What is the population of Canada?"}  # Uses wikipedia
data = {"id": 0, "goal": "Answer the following question: Who was the NBA champion in 2023?"}

# ~~~ Run inference ~~~
path_to_output_file = None
# path_to_output_file = "output.jsonl"  # Uncomment this line to save the output to disk

_, outputs = FlowLauncher.launch(
    flow_with_interfaces=flow_with_interfaces, data=data, path_to_output_file=path_to_output_file

# ~~~ Print the output ~~~
flow_output_data = outputs[0]

The full example is available here and can be executed as follows:

cd examples/ReAct

Upon execution, the result appears as follows:

[{'answer': 'The NBA champion in 2023 was the Denver Nuggets.', 'status': 'finished'}]

Finally we have the correct answer!

However, let’s consider a scenario where you want to instruct ReAct:

Answer the following question: What is the profession and date of birth of Michael Jordan?

Where Michael Jordan is the Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and Professor of Statistics at Berkley. If you run this with ReAct, the obtained answer might look like this:

[{'answer': 'Michael Jordan is a former professional basketball player and an American businessman. He was born on February 17, 1963.', 'status': 'finished'}]

Which is not what we wanted ! This output does not align with our intended question.

To discover how to retrieve information on Michael Jordan, the Berkeley Professor, using aiFlows, refer to the next tutorial ReActWithHumanFeedback, a flow that incorporates human feedback into the ReAct flow!

Next Tutorial: ReAct With Human Feedback Tutorial